Atlas of Jordan, History, Territories and Society
Presses de l’Ifpo
Date de publication
Contemporain publications

Atlas of Jordan

History, Territories and Society

Presses de l’Ifpo

Contemporain publications


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This atlas aims to provide the reader with key pointers for a spatial analysis
of the social, economic and political dynamics at work in Jordan, an exemplary
country of the Middle East complexities. Being a product of seven years of
scientific cooperation between Ifpo, the Royal Jordanian Geographic Center and
the University of Jordan, it includes the contributions of 48 European,
Jordanian and International researchers. A long historical part followed by
sections on demography, economy, social disparities, urban challenges and
major town and country planning, sheds light on the formation of Jordanian
territories over time. Jordan has always been looked on as an exception in the
Middle East due to the political stability that has prevailed since the
country’s Independence in 1946, despite the challenge of integrating several
waves of Palestinian, Iraqi and - more recently - Syrian refugees. Thanks to
this stability and the peace accord signed with Israel in 1994, Jordan is one
of the first countries in the world for development aid per capita.
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